Many people in the United States and around the world are turning to alternative forms of medicine to help treat their health concerns. One alternative form of medicine people are trying is acupuncture. Acupuncture is known to treat a wide range of ailments like obesity, chronic pain, and arthritis in some cases.
What many people — both those who are already undergoing acupuncture treatments and those who are looking into it — don’t know is that acupuncture can also help with digestive issues. Acupuncture can help balance the body, ensuring that your digestion is regular and your body’s digestive system is returned to a healthy state.
How Does Acupuncture Help With Digestion?
Acupuncture sees the body as a thoroughfare, stretching between 12 primary channels, or “meridians” in the body. These meridians are energy channels that, when obstructed in any way, can cause pain or illnesses. Acupuncture aims to remove those obstructions. This allows the “energy” to flow freely through the body and for the body to act as naturally as possible.
On the surface, acupuncture can help digestive issues by ensuring that all nutrients in the body flow freely and by nourishing the organs. Acupuncture also increases gastrointestinal muscle contraction and relaxation and restores stomach acidity to normal levels. Your practitioner will determine which acupuncture points to use after a thorough evaluation of pulses, tongue, and questions related to health.
One common and powerful point is Stomach 36. This point is located just below the knee and stretches on a line from your head to your toes, going right through the stomach. Even more points along the Stomach channel are located on the belly. Making sure this line is open will help with digestion and digestive problems, along with a host of other problems that could be affecting your health and well-being.
Dietary Recommendations
We have all heard the saying, “What you are is what you eat.” Your practitioner will help you address any dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, and stress to help correct gut imbalances affecting overall health. These important changes will help reduce gut inflammation in the digestive tract and body, improving digestive functions. Chinese Medicine herbal or functional medicine protocols are often incorporated into a treatment plan to speed up the healing process and aid in gut repair.
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture for digestive problems as an effective treatment for digestive imbalance.
If you have problems with your digestion or want to improve it, there is no better way than with the qualified staff at Community Acupuncture in Boulder. Our all-natural approach serves the entire body for optimal health.
If you are in Boulder, Colorado, and are interested in acupuncture, contact us today to see how acupuncture can help you!